Psychological Testing
Psychologists utilize a variety of objective and subjective measures known as tests and assessment tools as a way to measure, observe, and understand someone's behavior. The results of these tests are used to guide diagnosis, treatment for the …

Neuropsychological Testing
What is neuropsychological testing and evaluations and what is it used for? Clinicians often use their expertise and their clinical judgment in order to diagnose a variety of disorders including ADHD, Autism Spectrum, emotional disorders, personality …

Forensic Evaluations
Depression is a mental illness, which one should not confuse with the short-term emotional distress, anxiety attacks or feeling low, which also are constituents of depression. Anyone can feel low for a brief period of time...

Immigration Evaluations
A psychological evaluation may be required in immigration court in order to assess extreme hardship in an individual. This specific assessment is a tool used in court in order to better understand the negative consequences associated with deportation. …